Join our Summer School on Optics in August at University of Eastern Finland, at Joensuu campus Metria!
- Course: Joensuu Summer School on Optics 2024: Quantum mechanics for photonics: From molecular spectroscopy to low dimensional materials applications
- Dates: 12.8-16.8.2024
- Place: University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu campus, Metria (M101)
- Credits: 2 ECTS
- Teacher: Dr. Maksim Shundalau, University of Salerno, Italy
- Note: The course is intended for physics/photonics students with basic knowledge of optics and quantum mechanics/atomic physics.
- Register here by 15.6.2024.
Course description:
The “Quantum mechanics for photonics: From molecular spectroscopy to low dimensional materials applications” course aims to provide a modern point of view on the quantum mechanics of many-electron systems. The main objectives of the course are to understand the principles of quantum mechanical calculations of optical properties of complex molecular and low dimensional systems (i), to gain knowledge about applications of results of quantum mechanical calculations in modern science, industry, and technology (ii), and to gain basic skills in techniques of quantum mechanical calculations (iii).
The content of the course involves the basic ideas and concepts of a quantum theory of many-electron systems, main approximations, methods of calculations, and their applications for solving fundamental and applied photonics problems. The practical part contains exercises and tests for performing geometry optimization, calculation and analysis of the electronic structure and optical properties, comparison of methods, interpretation of the experimental data based on calculations, using the symmetry, visualization of the calculation results, and others.
Course description in Peppi: LF00CS49