I-DEEP Organization
I-DEEP is a network of doctoral education in collaboration with Finnish universities involved in photonics related research. The I-DEEP doctoral pilot is coordinated by Tampere University.
I-DEEP Steering Committee

The I-DEEP Steering Committee is responsible for the national level coordination and general orientation of the doctoral pilot, follow-up on the progress and organizing joint events.
The Steering Committee of the I-DEEP doctoral pilot consist of representatives from all the partner organizations:
- Goëry Genty, Tampere University (goery.genty@tuni.fi)
- Jyrki Saarinen, University of Eastern Finland (jyrki.saarinen@uef.fi)
- Zhipei Sun, Aalto University (zhipei.sun@aalto.fi)
- Gerrit Groenhof, University of Jyväskylä (gerrit.x.groenhof@jyu.fi)
- Tapio Fabritius, University of Oulu (tapio.fabritius@oulu.fi)
- Nicklas Anttu, Åbo Akademi University (nicklas.anttu@abo.fi)
- Kimmo Luoma, Universtiy of Turku (ktluom@utu.fi)
- Administrative coordinador Tea Vellamo, Tampere University (tea.vellamo@tuni.fi)
and associated partner representatives:
- Jussi Hiltunen, VTT (jussi.hiltunen@vtt.fi)
- Juha Purmonen, Photonics Finland (juha.purmonen@photonics.fi)
- Industry representative (to be named)