Light Field Control (WP1)
Many advances in photonics arise from novel fundamental concepts in generating light fields and manipulating their properties. The research of this WP provides novel approaches to control the key properties of optical fields, such as spatial and temporal profiles, polarization, coherence, and spectrum. Multiple subfields of optics and photonics form the basis for this research, including fundamentals of light-matter interaction, electromagnetic optics, guided-wave optics, nano-optics, optical metamaterials, nonlinear optics, and ultrafast optics. The WP contributes to applications in both classical and quantum optical technologies, ranging from optical sensing, detection, and imaging to optical communication and information processing.
Light Field Control contact persons in partners:
Andriy Shevchenko / Aalto
Marco Ornigotti / TAU
Dura Shahwar / VTT
Tero Setälä / UEF