The PREIN Annual Symposium was arranged on March 22- 24 on the Helsinki-Stockholm ferry. The event gathered more than one hundred researchers to present their latest research results and to increase the collaboration between the PREIN partners and the thematic works packages.
All the five work packages presented an overview of the current research themes, one to two research highlight based on a resent scientific breakthrough based on a high-level publication. The work packages had also invited top-notch international researchers as visiting speakers to present their research connected to the WP theme. The invited speakers included Michele Celebrano from Politecnico di Milano, Peter Kazansky form University of Southampton, Fen Gao form Linköping University and Leif Oxenlowe from DTU.
In addition, there was a short summary of the flagship activities by Goëry Genty, including the publication of the Annual Report 2022 and a presentation of PREIN impact activities by Juha Purmonen.

Programme of the event:
Wednesday March 22, 2023
15:15-15:45 Opening words, summary of recent PREIN activities, Goëry Genty
15:45-16:45 WP1
- General overview: Marco Ornigotti/ TAU
- Research highlight: Panu Hilden/Aalto “Extended depth of field of an imaging system with an annular aperture”
- Invited speaker: Michele Celebrano/Politecnico di Milano “Controlling and Steering the Nonlinear Emission by Nanoantennas and Metasurfaces”
16.45- 17:45 WP2
- General overview: Yuri Svirko/UEF
- Research highlight: Faisal Ahmed/Aalto “Ultra-miniaturized optical spectrometer with electrically tunable van der Waals junction”
- Invited speaker: Peter Kazanski/University of Southampton “Achieving Information Immortality with Ultrafast Laser Writing in Glass”
18:00-19:30 Poster session (Titles updated on Mach 22)
Drinks and snacks
Thursday March 23, 2023
10:30-14:30 Visit to KTH & Stockholm University
16:15-16:45 Impact of Photonics in Finland, Juha Purmonen
16:45-17:45 WP3
Research highlights
- General overview: Teemu Hakkarainen/TAU
- Research highlight: Teemu Hakkarainen/ TAU “QD Light Sources and Links to WP5”
- Research highlight: Timo Aalto / VTT “Overview of Silicon Photonics Development”
17:45-18:45 WP4
- General overview: Juha Toivonen/ TAU
- Invited speaker: Feng Gao/Linköping University “Rational Doping of Charge-transport Layers for Stable Perovskite Solar Cells”
- Research highlight: Shengyang Li / Aalto “Towards harvesting chemical energy by solar cells”
18:45-19:45 WP5
- General overview: Robert Fickler/ TAU
- Research highlight: Sergei Malykhin/UEF “Diamond needles for quantum sensing”
- Invited speaker: Leif Oxenlowe/DTU “Orbital Angular Momentum for Quantum and Classical Communications”
19:45-20:00 Summary and closing words, Goëry Genty