Applied Research (WP4)
Photonics can be seen as Fundamental Science as well as Engineering Science. The tremendous concept established in WP1 on fundamentals, the novel materials and their properties developed in WP2, the so-far unachievable light sources concretized in WP3 are combined in the applied research WP4 of PREIN. We aim at tackling the biggest challenges at the global level by proposing unique solutions based on the highest degree of expertise, facilities, and resources. We identified key-applications deserving most of interest and for each we target the highest specifications. Ultra-high-speed photonic integrated circuits with low footprint, low loss, low latency, low power consumption. Solar harvesting with always more competitive photovoltaic modules. Atmospheric gas sensing with just a few-ppbs concentration sensitivity and resolution. Water quality monitoring for both open streams and industrial waters, focusing in particular on the detection and identification of micro- and nanoplastics. Biomedical application with the realization of new digital single molecule detection schemes. Global, EU, and National strategies are promoting clean-tech, and in-line with that, we are developing solutions for global challenges by building on the strengths of the PREIN flagship programme and collaborating with the best experts from industry and academy around the world.
Applied Research contact persons at partners:
Juha Toivonen/TAU
Hele Savin /Aalto
Matthieu Roussey/UEF
Timo Dönsberg/VTT