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University of Eastern Finland
University of Eastern Finland has a long history in photonics education spanning the last fifty years. UEF offers an international Master’s programme in Photonics, coordinates one joint Erasmus Mundus master’s programme and is involved in two other Erasmus Mundus master’s programmes linked to the field of photonics.
The objective of the Master’s degree in photonics is to give students excellent expertise to modern optics and photonics at both theoretical and experimental level. Students learn to understand optical phenomena, design and analysis of optical systems, fabrication methods of photonics structures, and ability to scientific and technical communication in photonics. The master’s programme in the University of Eastern Finland has a long-term history in photonics education and collaborating with industry to ensure graduate employability.
In 2023 University of Eastern Finland opened a new degree programme in photonics leading to the degree of master in Science (technology). In the national programme, students are admitted to the bachelor’s degree and continue to master’s degree in photonics. The bachelor’s degree offers a mathematics and physics foundation and the master’s degree specialises in photonics and the studies are organised together with the international Master’s Degree in Photonics programme. Read more about the programme Fotoniikka tekniikan kandi + diplomi-insinööri (in Finnish)
International Master’s Degree in Photonics
University of Eastern Finland offers the international Master’s Degree in Photonics with core courses on fundamental light-matter interaction. The specializations of this master’s programme include waves and scattering, which consist of advanced topics on modern light propagation and scattering, optical displays, colors, and applications and light-matter interaction at microscopic level.
Focus on laboratory work
An extensive part of the programme consists of laboratory work. This will give the students the ability to understand optical phenomena, design and analysis of optical systems, fabrication methods of photonics structures, and ability to scientific and technical communication in photonics.
Photonics: theory, materials and applications is defined as University of Eastern Finland’s strategic advanced-level strong research area. In 2019, 40 new students from 14 different countries are selected to start their studies in the Master’s Degree Programme in Photonics.
Erasmus Mundus Joint master’s degree inComputational color and spectral Imaging
University of Eastern Finland participates in the Erasmus Mundus Programme Computational Color and Spectral Imaging, COSI.
The COSI programme trains experts in applied colour science, in various cutting-edge industries (photonics, optics, spectral imaging, multimedia technologies, computer graphics and vision). The programme is organized jointly by the following universities:
Erasmus Mundus Joint master’s Degree In Photonics for Security, Reliability, and Safety
University of Eastern Finland is a partner in the Erasmus Mundus Joint Degree Photonics for Security, Reliability, and Safety, PSRS. The PSRS programme is organized together by the following universities:
University Jean Monnet (FRANCE)
University of Eastern Finland
Politechnico di Torino (ITALY)
University Paris-Est Créteil (FRANCE)
The PSRS programme trains the next generation of highly-skilled experts in advanced imaging technologies, cutting-edge image processing, computational imaging, artificial intelligence technologies, biometrics, pattern recognition, behavioral analysis, spectrometry methodologies, photonic-based sensors, micro-nano-technologies, laser processing and surface functionalization.
JOInt erasmus mundus Master’s degree in Science in Imaging and Light in Extended Reality
The joint Erasmus Mundus Master’s programme in Science in Imaging and Light in Extended Reality,IMLEX is a programme coordinated by University of Eastern Finland and organised together with Toyohashi University of Technology in Japan. IMLEX was selected as one of the fist Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Degree progammes between EU and Japan. At UEF, the programme is carried out by the Institute of Photonics and the School of Computing.
The following universities organize the programme: