PREIN Photonics Flagship and Photonics Finland are at Suomi Areena on Thursday, June 27
The theme of the panel discussion (in Finnish): Valon voimalla – Fotoniikka on puhdasta energiaa! – Fotoniikka on vihreä energian tuotannon ja varastoinnin mahdollistava ratkaisu

Time: Thursday, June 27 at 17:00
Place: Vaakunan lava, Pori
- Professor Kati Miettunen, Turku University
- Heidi Bergman, Head of Investment Projects, Neste
- Toni Laurila, CEO, Sensment Oy
- Kai Mykkänen, Minister of Environment
- Hostess: Shahin Doagu, MTV3
You can see the live stream from the link below (in Finnish), should you not be able to come to Pori. Please note that the stream opens 5 min before the panel starts, that is at 16:55 on June 27, 2024.