The workshop organized in Helsinki aims at bringing together all partners involved in the PREIN work package “Quantum Technologies” as well as researchers from the newly established Finnish Quantum Flagship (FQF).
The workshop will be a perfect platform to present latest results, exchange ideas, and discuss possible future collaborations within PREIN and between the flagships. The general topics of the workshop include the development of components and schemes to generate, detect, and manipulate quantum states of light as well as the study of quantum optical foundations. In addition, we welcome all colleagues that are working on research and technologies in the fields of quantum science that are related to quantum photonics activities of PREIN or can benefit from it.
The workshop takes place from Tue 12 Nov (09:30) until Thu 14 Nov (12:00) at Paasitorni (Paasivuorenkatu 5 A). There will be a social event on Tuesday evening for all participants at 18:00.
A workshop dinner will be held on Wed 13 Nov at 19:00 in restaurant MeriPaviljonki (Säästöpankinranta 3).
The workshop schedule:

PREIN Workshop on Quantum Research & Technologies
Abstract book
Download here the abstract book of PREIN Workshop on Quantum Research and Technologies
Plenary Speakers
We are happy to announce that the workshop will include plenary talks by two distinguished speakers:
- Christine Silberhorn, University of Paderborn, Germany
- Antonio Z. Khoury, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil
Information for Presenters
Oral presentations
- Length is 25 min + 5 min for questions. Please prepare your talk to meet the time limit.
Poster presentations
- Poster size is A0 (portrait).
- Poster numbers will be displayed on the poster boards and pins will be provided by the organizers.
- Poster session will be held on Tue 12 Nov at 15:30-17:00.
Organizing Committee
- Robert Fickler (Tampere University)
- Andreas Norrman (University of Eastern Finland)
- Zhipei Sun (Aalto University)
- George Thomas (VTT)
Register here to the workshop:
Travel Info
Download here a full travel info package for the event: