We are excited to announce and invite you to a webinar reaching the Finland-wide community of photonics both in the academia and in the industry organized by UEF and Center for Photonics Sciences, and co-organized by Photonics Joensuu, PREIN, I-DEEP and Photonics Finland.
Our speaker: Associate Prof. Anthony Beaucamp
Lecture: “Artificial intelligence-based optics design, Inverse ray tracing, and Applications of light-field optical systems in photonics”
Time: Thursday 5th of September at 09:00-10:00.
The seminar can be streamed by via clicking the following Teams link:
Anthony works in Keio University in Japan and is visiting Joensuu for the first time. So, please take this rare opportunity to listen to this rewarded researcher and innovator holding a multitude of patents and academic publications.
And for you those who might be in Joensuu, the seminar will be held in the Metria building lecture hall M100. Due to the hour of the day, we encourage you to take your coffee and / or breakfast with you to the lecture hall.
Hope to see many of you both online and in the lecture hall for this webinar!
We are excited to
announce and invite you all to a webinar reaching the Finland-wide community of
photonics both in the academia and in the industry organized by UEF and Center for Photonics
Sciences, and co-organized by Photonics Joensuu, PREIN, I-DEEP and Photonics
Finland. Our speaker is Associate Prof. Anthony Beaucamp,
lecturing on “Artificial intelligence-based optics design, Inverse ray tracing,
and Applications of light-field optical systems in photonics” on Thursday 5th
of September at 09:00-10:00. Anthony
works in Keio University in Japan and is visiting Joensuu for the first time.
So, please take this rare opportunity to listen to this rewarded researcher and
innovator holding a multitude of patents and academic publications. The seminar
can be streamed by via clicking the following Teams link:
https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_OWFmZmU1ZGQtMjFkOC00ODQwLTk2OTctOWFmOTM1MWRjNDM4%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2287879f2e-7304-4bf2-baf2-63e7f83f3c34%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2247bc2fb4-6460-43a0-a1fc-3ebf63fc2288%22%7d And for you
those who might be in Joensuu, the seminar will be held in the Metria building lecture
hall M100. Due to the hour of the day, we encourage you to take your coffee
and / or breakfast with you to the lecture hall. Hope to see
many of you both online and in the lecture hall for this webinar!